IPSJ Trans. ACS (No. 87) : Submission Page (2)

Fill the following items by plain ASCII texts and then click "Submit". RED items are must be filled.
Title :
SurnameGiven Name Affiliation (name of univ., company, etc.)
Author#1 :
#2 :
#3 :
#4 :
#5 :
#6 :
#7 :
#8 :
If the number of the authors is more than 8, please contact to after registration with the 8 authors.
Surname :      Given Name :
Organization :      Department :
Postal Code
and/or Country
Postal Address :
Daytime Phone :      ext.
email :
When you are submitting the revised paper from the rejected ACS submissio, please input the following previous information.
Previous Paper ID : ACS--

Last Update:   Friday, 25-Mar-11 14:58:27
